Monday, September 01, 2003


East West Ministries
Ekaterinburg - Orphanage Outreach
Kirov - Orphanage & Hospital Ministry
A Cold North Wind

With close to a million air miles, experience tells me there is seldom any use running to catch a flight. Flying with the efficient and punctual German airline Lufthansa has taught me something else, they are determined to stay on schedule. So when one of our team members had a delayed arrival into Frankfurt from Chicago – I offered to stay behind, wait for her plane and fly the next day to Ekaterinburg. The airlines aware of our dilemma, tried to be as helpful as possible – but offered little optimism. After all, her gate was at one end – our departure gate in a different terminal at the other end of the airport! She was glad to see me waiting and her optimism remained unabated despite my own (and the gate agent’s) lack of enthusiasm on the chance we could actually make the other flight with our team. I shook my head and reminded her 1) we were in Deutschland where efficiency reigns 2) the gate we were to leave from was on the other side of the airport and 3) accounting for the fact that the departure time included a 5 minute bus ride on the tarmac out to the plane there was NO WAY we could make it!

"You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then He got up and rebuked the winds Matthew 8:26

She started running anyway. “We can make it” she said, “where’s your faith?” Smugly, I replied, “THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FAITH” - but with timetables, Germans, and my tired realistic, albeit pessimistic attitude. Out of breath, we arrived at the gate to see two of our team members standing with an airline employee. They laughed. “A north wind has blown in and delayed the flight time, we’re going to make it.” My friend turned to me and smiled.

Even the winds and the waves obey Him! Matthew 8:27