VOLUME 5 - Fall 1998
Saving Sasha
Labels: Russian Orphanage
The Newsletter update of Sunshine After Rain Ministries
Saving Sasha
Labels: Russian Orphanage
You are a royal priesthood, co-heirs with Christ." 1 Pet 2:9
Months before we arrived, Sabina described the women to us “birds” waiting to be fed the spiritual food of the Living God. At times I have felt like a beast – with tender feet, sore back and bones from traversing the cobblestone incline up to the church each day. We have consumed more water individually than they probably see in a month. And as for the toilet paper we have used – at each request for more rolls, a quizzical look would come across their face. I’m sure they could not imagine wasting so much of such a precious commodity as paper.
“Even Solomon in all His glory was not clothed as these.” Matt 6:29
As we prepared to leave Vuga for the next stop on our journey back home, twenty or so of the conference Queens arrived to bid us farewell. They shook our hands, hugged us, blessed us and sang. Eager to send us off with songs of Thanksgiving and praise to the God we all served well over the course of our time together.
And their faces were like that of angels.
Old Wisdom in a New Place
Life is Urgent
“Jesus said to another, Follow Me! He said “certainly, but first … I have to make arrangements for my father’s funeral.” Jesus refused. “First things first. Your business is life, not death. And life is urgent: announce God’s Kingdom!” Luke 9:61 The Message
I planned to return to Sri Lanka in the fall of 2006, and yet the Lord had other plans, close but…. Aaron Burke of Gateway Outreach, notified me the situation in Sri Lanka was growing more dangerous for foreigners because of increased civil unrest. The day I left in April, there was an attack in Colombo near the hotel where we took our last lunch. Aaron’s enthusiasm to continue to “go forth to the ends of the earth” is contagious, and he said “Char, I have a contact in India where we can do an outreach. Let’s go there.” I was ready, willing and able – and off to the next great harvest field on earth. There are over 1 billion people living in India, less than 2% of them are professing Christians – sounds like an opportunity to me! Three Americans and 15 local missionaries (not all are pictured above) worked together for 10 days. We sponsored a pastor training seminar, held a program for the orphans at the COM (Christian Outreach Missions) children’s home, conducted believer’s meetings in the evening to strengthen the local body, and organized two children’s festivals with over 1,000 children attending. We also had an opportunity to work in rural villages ministering to over 3,000 children and adults. It was a phenomenal experience! I saw so many new things about the God we serve. I gained a deeper compassion and commitment to the work He has commissioned me to do. And I realized, there are so many people in the world who have NEVER heard the Name of Jesus. I am eager to get “on about my Father’s business.”
I have seen the Red Square and the Kremlin, but also thousands of Russian orphans hidden in remote and rural institutions constructed by an ideology void of God and, since its collapse, holding no future. I have walked atop the Great Wall in China and entered the once Forbidden City, but I have also seen hundreds of girls abandoned to a life of hopelessness, because in a society with a one child policy, male children are seen as the only future aging parents will have provision. As for those born with a disability, most are virtually discarded and devalued for life. I saw the snows of Kilimanjaro, but also the street children who forage among trash heaps for food. I feel my responsibility is to share the beauty IN the ashes, as well as bringing the hope and truth of the God I love and serve, Who gives beauty FOR ashes.
The Director of Orphan ministry of East West International and I left Russia and traveled on to India. Our teammates were on their way back to the USA, to comfort, family and familiar food. As for us, fighting the good fight of faith as “career officers”, we carry on, to the upward high calling. During the trip, we will analyze the “battlefield”, develop “fighting strategies”, and determine how many “battalions” of willing “soldiers” we will need to enlist to conquer the land! India is a nation with over 300 million gods, the “war” seems hopeless. In the coming days, we will take our cue from a wise Israeli King (Jehoshaphat) who went before His Lord and said,
“The army is too vast for us to conquer …but our are eyes are fixed on You.” 2 Chron 20:12