Monday, June 08, 1998

VOLUME 3 - Spring 1998

Storm Warning

He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Luke 10:18

Jesus was proud of His disciples when He spoke the above phrase. The seventy He had commissioned, returned from their “mission” trip full of joy at their success. As the preparations for the evangelism outreach to Kaluga, Russia come to an end, I am relying on the rest of His utterance that day to the faithful.

“Behold I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall injure you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but that your names are recorded in heaven." (Luke 10:19)

Pray that the East West Ministries International outreach adds more names to the list of those recorded.

And watch the skies for lightning!

Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified; Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go Joshua 1:9

I am not there yet. As much as I have prayed and prepared, the thought of throngs of screaming children, hands held high, waiting for a touch or a balloon, is still frightening. One close friend sent the scripture above as an encouragement before the trip. I would like to report its effectiveness, but – I’m not there yet. Six weeks ago, Russia seemed a cold and distant Forecast, one of those Sarah episodes, where you shake your head and laugh at the outrageousness of the prospect. However, like Sarah travailing at labor pains, I have packed my bags of doubt and disbelief and seen that He has made a way where there seemed to be no way. There is still time for your contributions to have a vital impact on this mission, and our ministry efforts.

To Russia With Love

Awaken oh sleeping giant
Lying silent far away
Arise to your Messiah
Who will save you from the grave

Awake oh sleeping giant
Asleep behind the lies of years
Come now to hear the Master
Who will wipe away your tears

Awake oh sleeping giant
We have come to show His love
We have come to tell the story
In the power of His blood

Arise and hide no longer
There is no charge, His love is free
Hear Him calling Mother Russia
He’s given all for you and me.

Awake the Bridegroom’s coming
He waits patiently outside
Come quickly, do not tarry
For He’s come to take His Bride.